Omni Cancun Hotel and Villas

Omni Cancun Hotel and Villas


When you enter the spacious, elegant lobby of the Omni Cancun Hotel and Villas you'll know you have made a good decision for your choice of hotel. This stunning property has a gorgeous stretch of beach, gently lapped by the turquoise waters of the Caribbean Sea. With an excellent all inclusive program you'll never be lost for something to eat or drink. The hotel also has a very comprehensive activities program to keep you and your family occupied all day long.

Rooms, Meal Plans, Rates

The guestrooms are equally as impressive as the public areas at the Omni Cancun Hotel and Villas, featuring an array of amenities for an extremely comfortable stay. From flat screen TVs to feather duvets and marble floors, these rooms really are a cut above the rest. They all have spacious balconies that feature incredible views of the Caribbean Sea or the Nichupte Lagoon.

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Facilities, Activities, Services

A vacation at the Omni Cancun Hotel and Villas is a great choice for a romantic break or a family getaway. The property features activities and entertainment to keep you occupied all day or the sparkling pools and warm Caribbean Sea are perfect for those that just want to relax. Enjoy delicious cuisine, comfortable guestrooms, stunning views and the charm of Mexico at the Omni Cancun Hotel and Villas.

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Restaurants, Bars & Discos

The Omni Cancun Hotel and Villas has a great selection of dining options available. They feature cuisine from around the world ranging from gourmet Mexican to classic Italian. The hotel also has a number of bars that serve an exciting variety of tropical cocktails.

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Another great attribute of the property is its excellent location in the Cancun Hotel Zone, a barrier island that extends out from the mainland. After landing at Cancun International Airport it will only take you around 20 minutes to arrive at the Omni Cancun Hotel and Villas. There are lots of attractions close by as well, including restaurants, bars, malls and clubs.

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